The Empire of Hats offers services of contract production of knitted hats.
We specialize in wholesale deliveries.
Conditions and terms of manufacture
The minimum order quantity is from 200 pcs.
The sample production time is from 5 days
The production time of the batch depends on the order quantity
Payment and delivery
The customer pays for the delivery of the batch
The sample is made after 50% prepayment
The manufacturing conditions for each brand are unique, after placing an order, a notification with full information will be sent to WhatsApp!
For regular customers, there is an opportunity to work on loan, with the help of contracts!
The Empire of Hats company is:
- one of the leaders in the production of knitted hats on the Russian market,
- own design developments,
– a highly professional team working around the clock to create a product that meets fashion trends,
- the use of only high-quality raw materials,
- strict quality control at all stages of production,
- work with all regions of Russia,
- full customer support by our managers, taking into account all the interests of the client
About the company
Contact us:
+7 996 948 38 03